
Recycling the world, one treasure at a time...Matt. 6:21

Monday, January 22, 2018


Water is a necessity for life, for people, animals and plants. We wash in it, drink it, use it in pretty much every aspect of our lives. How do we be more attuned to how we are using it and be frugal too.

DRINKING: The average person is recommended to drink 8x8 oz cups of water at minimum per day. That's 64 oz a day x 7 days a week. How we get our water can come in so many different ways. We can drink bottled water, sparkling water, flavored water, filtered water, and purchased water. The list contains great sources of drinking, but what are ways to be both frugal and healthy?

The most frugal way to drink water is with a home filter, whether it's a whole house water filter or a single container are a couple options to keep things frugal.  You can filter at home and bottle your own in containers. It takes more work but it's probably the most cost effective and healthiest for you too.

Bottled water is probably the most convenient but with plastic and BPA a concern it may not always be the healthiest. Even using your own containers you have to account for the plastic you may be using to store and travel with. Heating plastic in a sitting vehicle raises the toxins released into your water. We have to consider this with our bottled water too. Has the prepackaged water been in a hot shipping container leaching toxins into that spring water? How far has it traveled? Does your bottled water sit for months before consuming? So many things to consider.

Adding flavor is a great way to drink water daily but pure water is always the best choice. Some flavor additives have chemicals that are not good for our digestive system, especially if it's artificial sweeteners which now have studies saying they could cause disease in some people. It's always a good idea to read labels even on water. Some pure water contains salt additives. Know if your body needs these or if you should look for non additive water. With whatever you choose make sure it's good for you when you get those 64 oz a day.

Drink up,
Mrs Green Jeans

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